The Goiás government approved Law No. 23168/2024, which grants strategic tax benefits to companies that produce biogas and biomethane. Producers will be able to get ICMS credit of up to 85% in domestic operations and 90% in interstate operations, reducing the taxes currently paid. The law was published in the Official State Gazette on December 26, and the decree that will regulate it is under analysis at the Secretariat of the Economy, scheduled for publication in February 2025.
Benefit is conditional on a minimum investment in infrastructure and innovation, ensuring that companies contribute directly to the country’s economic development. These investments will be generated in the duration of the special (empty) system signed with the economy and the tax benefits may reduce the ICMS model rate from 19% to 1.2% in interstate operations, and 1.8% in domestic operations.
“Our goal is to reduce costs for companies investing in clean technologies here in Goiás, strengthen our competitiveness and attract new businesses and jobs to the state,” said Governor Ronaldo Caedo.
Biogas and biomethane are renewable fuels produced from organic waste, such as agricultural and animal waste. In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, they encourage the recycling of materials, promoting a circular and sustainable economy.
With this action, Goiás stimulates clean energy generation, attracts technological investments and strengthens the local economy, aligning itself with the best sustainability practices adopted by neighboring countries.
In addition to this law, the state of Goiás is adopting comprehensive legislation that promotes the transition to renewable energy sources and sustainable practices, strengthening strategic sectors of the economy. The changes are contained in the following decrees shown below,
· Decree No. 10256/2023: Exemption from ICMS on the acquisition of products intended for the assembly of solar energy systems in public buildings of the state. This measure aims to reduce costs, encourage the use of clean energy and modernize public infrastructure.
· Decree No. 10579/2024: Postponing the ICMS payment due on the price difference and on the import of machinery, equipment and materials that do not have a national equivalent intended for the capture, generation and transmission of solar, wind or biogas energy. This measure aims to invest in sustainable technologies and facilitate the implementation of innovative projects in the energy sector. In this case, postponement refers to an extension of the deadline for paying the tax.
“Through these initiatives, Goiás strengthens its role as a hub of innovation and sustainability, attracting strategic investments, generating employment and promoting the development of a cleaner and more resilient economy,” says Governor Ronaldo Caedo.
“The country remains compliant with best practices adopted at national and international levels, strengthening its commitment to the environment and the quality of life of the population,” says Economy Minister Cervolo Nogueira.
Waste Tires – The Goiás government has taken another step towards sustainability with Decree No. 10,538/2024, granting exemption from ICMS for operations with petroleum asphalt cement containing between 15% and 25% ground rubber from used tires.
This measure, which came into effect on August 29, 2024, encourages the reuse of discarded tires, contributing to reducing waste and promoting the circular economy. This type of asphalt not only reduces environmental impact, but also provides greater durability and resistance to public road paving, reducing maintenance costs.
Through this initiative, the country is strengthening its commitment to sustainable practices, innovation and economic development, to the benefit of the environment and the country’s infrastructure.
The changes in the state’s tax law were approved by the National Council for Fiscal Policy (Confaz) whereby Goiás committed to the tax benefits provided for in the legislation of the state of Mato Grosso, under the provisions of Federal Supplementary Law No. 160, of 7 August 2017, and ICMS Convention No. 190 of 15 December. 2017. It is part of a set of measures to encourage renewable energy generation and decarbonize the country’s energy matrix and is in line with the National Policy on Climate Change established by Federal Law No. 12187/2009. Government of Goiás