MDU Utilities Group implemented ArcGIS Utility Network as a part of a multi-utility GIS consolidation and modernization project. MDU has gone live with the enterprise solution that unifies its gas and electric business units within an ArcGIS Utility Network implementation. Hear MDU speak how this consolidation centered around parallel data modeling strategies, familiar mapping look-and-feel and common editing workflows for GIS users of both units, and technically equivalent integrations with external systems across their technology stack. Join us!
Jessica Upham is the Manager of GIS for Montana-Dakota Utilities Group. She oversees both gas and electric GIS operations across four utility brands and eight states. She has nearly 20 years of GIS experience in the utility industry implementing new technologies with a focus on project management.
Joaquin Madrid, Ph.D. is a Principal Solutions Engineer at SSP Innovations with over 30 years’ experience in Enterprise Systems for Utilities. With a focus on GIS, Dr. Madrid has also worked on ADMS and SCADA implementations for Smart Grid Management, as well as integrations between the GIS and the other systems of record within the utility’s enterprise landscape. Since the alpha release of the Utility Network, Dr. Madrid has specialized in data modeling strategies for efficient migrations to the UN.