I have written multiple posts recently (including this one and this one) on why CIP-007 R2, the NERC CIP patch management requirement, needs to be rewritten as a risk-based (or “objectives-based”) vulnerability management requirement. My two main reasons for saying this are:
- The inordinately high cost of documenting compliance with CIP-007 R2 causes NERC entities with high and medium impact BES environments to invest a lot of resources in activities that don’t yield much of an increase in security. The same can be said for CIP-010 R1.
- CIP-007 R2 and CIP-010 R1 are very likely the two largest obstacles to implementing medium and high impact BES Cyber Systems (BCS), Electronic Access Control or Monitoring Systems (EACMS) and Physical Access Control Systems (PACS) in the cloud today. This is because a cloud service provider may be required to provide compliance evidence for these two requirements on an individual device (both physical and virtual device) level; that will be quite difficult for the CSP to do.[i]
I’ve stated many times since CIP version 5 came into effect in 2016 that CIP-010 R1 and CIP-007 R2 are the two biggest examples of the high cost of complying with prescriptive CIP requirements. One NERC entity with high impact Control Centers told me that, of all the documentation they must generate for compliance with all NERC requirements (not just NERC CIP requirements), half of that is due to CIP-010 R1 and CIP-007 R2. While it’s indisputable that security measures need to be documented, a number of NERC entities have also told me they think half of the CIP compliance documentation they produce doesn’t improve security at all.
Cybersecurity is a risk management exercise. This means the objective of any cybersecurity requirement should be to reduce risk. My main problem with CIP-007 R2 is that its objective, patch management, doesn’t address a risk at all. Instead, it’s a mitigation for an important cyber risk that isn’t directly addressed in CIP today: the risk posed by unpatched software vulnerabilities in BCS, EACMS, Protected Cyber Assets (PCA) and PACS. Since there are other mitigations for this risk besides patch management, and because in many cases the risk posed by an unpatched vulnerability is so low that it’s a waste of time for a user organization to apply the patch for it, CIP-007 R2 needs to be rewritten as a vulnerability management requirement.
How should CIP-010 R1, the CIP configuration management requirement, be rewritten as a risk-based requirement? As with patch management, configuration management is a mitigation for a cybersecurity risk, not a risk in itself. What is the risk that configuration management mitigates?
Think about what happens if you misconfigure a system – for example, you disable authentication while working on the system and forget to re-enable it. This leaves the system vulnerable to exploit in a similar way to how a software vulnerability leaves the system vulnerable to exploit. In other words, the purpose of configuration management is to prevent vulnerabilities that are due to accidental misconfiguration, just as the purpose of patch management is to prevent vulnerabilities that are due to software flaws. Does this mean that CIP-007 R2 and CIP-010 R1 address the same problem: risk due to unmitigated vulnerabilities?
I don’t think it does, and here’s why: There is usually little or nothing that most organizations can do to prevent vulnerabilities from being present in software they didn’t develop. However, there is a lot that an organization can do to prevent configuration vulnerabilities. In fact, that’s the purpose of CIP-010 R1: to prevent a configuration error from leaving the system in a vulnerable state.
Given that’s the case, you might wonder why I’m making such a big point about CIP-010 R1. Since its purpose is to prevent misconfigurations from occurring in the first place, why does the requirement need to be rewritten? Obviously, if there are no misconfigurations, there’s no risk from misconfiguration, right?
Unfortunately, no. No true risk can ever be completely “prevented”. I can prevent the risk of food poisoning by not eating, but I don’t know many people who would think that’s a good idea. Similarly, the way to prevent the risk of computer misconfiguration is not to use computers at all, but that’s neither possible nor desirable for most of us.
Any risk management exercise needs to begin by acknowledging there is no way to reduce the risk to zero. Even if a NERC entity follows every letter of CIP-010 R1, it’s always possible that someone on the staff will have a bad day and forget to do something really basic, leaving the NERC entity exposed to both cybersecurity and compliance risk.
Of course, you could substantially reduce the risk of a bad day making someone forgetful by hiring two staff members for every position and making sure that each person is always watching the other. If that doesn’t work, you could hire three staff members for each position – although even that isn’t guaranteed to work…
You probably get the idea: If you’re willing and able to throw more resources into mitigating a risk, you can probably reduce it to as close to zero as you want, but at an increasingly higher cost per amount of risk mitigated. At a certain point, your boss will tell you the company has better uses for its resources than trying to reduce this particular risk to .00000001%. In fact, your boss might accompany that message with a pink slip.
This is why it’s so important that all the NERC CIP requirements be made risk- (or objectives-) based: If an overzealous auditor wants to require a NERC entity to ignore all other options for use of its time and money and focus the whole organization on mitigating one particular risk (which might be the risk of computer misconfiguration), the entity can argue that the auditor is being unreasonable.
However, there are a small number of prescriptive CIP requirements that mandate certain actions come hell or high water. For example, CIP-007 R2 requires you to apply or develop a mitigation plan for every applicable security patch that’s been released for a software product used in the ESP within the last 70 days. Even if the vulnerability addressed by the patch has never been exploited in the wild since it was discovered ten years ago – which means the vulnerability addressed by the patch poses very little risk to the organization – it still is in scope for this requirement.
Fortunately, besides CIP-007 R2 and CIP-010 R1, I think all other CIP requirements are risk-based, even when they don’t mention risk. For example, the many CIP requirements that point to a plan or process as their objective are risk-based, since developing and following a plan always requires identifying and managing risks.
I’m proposing that CIP-007 R2 and CIP-010 R1 both be rewritten as risk-based requirements. You might ask why I want to change them now, since the Risk-Management-for-Third-Party-Cloud-Services standards drafting team may well decide to change them on their own. I agree the SDT will feel compelled to revise these two standards themselves, but I also believe it will be 2031 (or even later) before all of the new and/or revised CIP standards they develop will come into effect.
CIP-007 R2 and CIP-010 R1 have been a burden on NERC entities for years, even without any consideration of using them in the cloud. Removing them from the Cloud Drafting Team’s agenda and creating a separate drafting team for them could easily cut 2-2 ½ years off the Cloud SDT’s work, as well as make it possible for NERC entities to comply with the two new risk-based standards at least 2-3 years before they would otherwise be able to. Even NERC entities that don’t plan to put BES Cyber Systems in the cloud anytime soon will benefit from this.
Any opinions expressed in this blog post are strictly mine and are not necessarily shared by any of the clients of Tom Alrich LLC. If you would like to comment on what you have read here, I would love to hear from you. Please email me at tom@tomalrich.com.
My book “Introduction to SBOM and VEX” is available! For context, see this post.
[i] I used to say it’s impossible for CSPs to provide this evidence. I now say it’s difficult, but not necessarily impossible.