The positive future of the Brazilian energy matrix certainly depends on effective policies, investments in clean technologies, and a continued commitment to reducing carbon emissions. In recent years, Brazil has increasingly sought to move towards sustainability, investing in renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar energy, as well as biofuels and green hydrogen. A promising scenario for the Brazilian energy matrix in the near and distant future.
Petrobras, for example, is increasing its investments in low-carbon projects, such as renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel. The state-owned company even increased the budget allocated to low-carbon initiatives by 42%, bringing a total of US$16 billion in investments expected in the current business plan for the next five years. About a third of this resource will be directed to reducing emissions from Petrobras’ operations, with priority given to clean processes in oil extraction and refining, says Mauricio Tolmaskem, the company’s director of energy transformation. The rest will be used to diversify the product range with a focus on greener solutions. Highlights of these projects include renewable diesel, sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), biofuels for navigation, as well as new investments in green chemicals and biomethane.
Another related point is that the National Energy Plan (PNE) 2055 presents five possible scenarios for the future of the Brazilian energy matrix. These scenarios range from a just and comprehensive transition that leads Brazil to achieve climate neutrality before 2050. In this context, diversifying the energy matrix is essential to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and improve the country’s sustainability.
Bioenergy Channel-Journal