Towards Disruptive Technologies Aircraft by 2035
T h e Eu ro p e a n a v i a t i o n i n d u s t r y i s co m m i t ted to transforming the sector, through the support of the
Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking as well as other notable European Union’s initiatives and policies such as (but not
limited to) the European Alliance for Zero Emission Aviation (2022), ReFuelEU (2023) and the Net Zero Industry Act
These efforts, complemented by important private investments, are contributing to maintaining European
aviation competitiveness at global level.
Since its establishment in November 2021, the Joint Undertaking has launched large-size, industry-led
projects that are developing novel concepts for the next-generation of low-emissions commercial
aircraft; investigating various disruptive aircraft technological innovations options powered either
by Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) or hydrogen, combined with electric hybridization; and performing
trade studies to assess various aircraft configurations incorporating the most promising technology
options aiming at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by no less than 30% at aircraft level,
compared to 2020 state-of-the-art, while enabling zero CO2 emissions in flight when using hydrogen
as energy source, or up to 90% net-CO2-emission reduction when being combined with the effect of
Sustainable Aviation Fuels
Hydrogen Aviation