I-REC….does it make sense in Brazil?
I-REC is the acronym for International Renewable Energy Certificate. It is a global system that certifies the renewable origin of energy consumed by companies, industries and homes.
I-REC is also sold in Brazil. The motivation of those who purchase these certificates is to show that they are being conscious and collaborating towards a future with fewer emissions.
The intention of the purchasers is commendable, but in Brazil, it is completely unnecessary, ineffective and dispensable.
Let me explain. All energy consumed in Brazil is renewable. Hydroelectric, solar and wind power. Thermal power plants are only dispatched when the national system operator decides – given very specific circumstances. Regardless of the consumers’ wishes.
With or without I-REC, in practice, all Brazilian consumers connected to the national integrated system consume “clean” energy.
In a list of countries that also have matrices based on thermal energy, it makes sense. Not in Brazil!