According to ABSOLAR data, solar energy in Brazil has just reached a historic milestone: 50 GW of installed capacity, plus DG, its own power generation, and GC, the generation of large plants. But solar panels go beyond cutting costs and providing clean energy, and today they can be combined with storage solutions that ensure autonomy in the event of a grid outage. This technology is essential for industries that cannot stop working due to energy shortages.
This is the case of Sydorak Tratados de Superfície, from Curitiba (PR), which has been on the market for more than 30 years and works in the process of anodizing aluminum profiles. “The frequency of power outages was important, because it affected part of our production. It can be considered that this happened at least two or three times a month. The main impact occurs in the delay in our production schedule, because in the anodizing process what matters is the bathing time ( The time when the components enhance the protective layer on aluminum profiles or even in electroplating is the stage of the process where the color is created in the pre-applied layer) to meet the demand for different colors and layers that are required, says Irene Sydorak, managing partner at Sydorak. “Our customers.”
In May 2024, the company installed the Quad Híbrido system, built by the NHS, also from Curitiba. The solar panels capture the sunlight and the NHS Quad Hybrid inverter converts this energy into the same energy supplied by the electricity grid. This generated energy can power homes, businesses, industries and rural properties. Excess energy is directed to the electric company, generating credits that result in savings on your energy bill.
“In addition, the NHS Quad Hybrid system offers the possibility of storing energy in backup batteries. In cases of power outages, the system is activated automatically, ensuring power supply to essential loads. With Four functions in one solution – generation, storage, monitoring and provisioning.”
It was the perfect solution so that the entire process of creating Irene would no longer be affected. “Since the anodizing process is electrochemical, we cannot work without electricity. However, for the rectifiers to remain functional, the demand is very high. Therefore, the Quad was installed to facilitate activities that consume less energy and that would otherwise be very difficult to perform manually, such as cranes that attach Bathroom bars, internet and printer so that bills are not affected, entry and exit gate (security), and a CCTV system that does not affect the surveillance or security of the establishment,” concludes Erin. Disclosure