China will only overtake China in 2023, ahead of the United States and India in the number of jobs, a poll by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) showed.
Brazil is the second country in the world with the highest number of jobs in the renewable energy sector, according to a survey by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). At the end of 2023, the country had 1.57 million jobs, ahead of the United States and India, which had a workforce of about 1 million.
The Brazilian market is outperformed only by China, which has 7.4 million jobs, or about 46% of the global total, and the European Union, which has 1.8 million jobs. The renewable source used the most in Brazil is biofuels, with about 994 thousand jobs. The country is the third largest producer in the world, after Indonesia and the United States of America.
Irina indicates that the world recorded the highest annual growth in jobs in the renewable energy sector in 2023, rising from 13.7 million in 2022 to 16.2 million. China represented 46% of the global total.
Renewable energy jobs around the world
Solar PV: 7.107 million
Liquid biofuels: 2.803 million
Hydraulic power: 2.324 million
Wind energy: 1.457 million
Biomass: 765 thousand
Solar thermal energy: 681 thousand
Heat pump: 375 thousand
Biogas: 316 thousand
Geothermal energy: 160 thousand
Concentrated solar energy: 118 thousand
Solar energy sector
The study highlights that the greatest progress in recent years has been linked to the strong growth of solar energy, which adds 7.2 million jobs worldwide. Of this total, 4.6 million (65%) are in China, the country that dominates industry and facility size globally.
According to the survey, Brazil remained the fourth country with the largest number of jobs in the solar PV sector, with 264,000 jobs. In addition to China, India and the United States outperform the Brazilian market with 318.6 thousand and 280 thousand jobs, respectively.
In 2023, Brazil reached sixth place in the global rankings for solar PV generation. According to a survey conducted by IRENA, the country reached 37 GW of installed capacity and gained two places regarding the 2022 list, overtaking Italy and Australia.
The classification takes into account large plants (centralized generation) and smaller systems (distributed generation) in operation. The top five positions in the rankings remained unchanged, with China, the United States, Japan, Germany and India holding on to the top spot. Australia and Italy fell one place. Spain overtook South Korea and the Netherlands and entered the top ten.
Countries with the most solar jobs
China: 4.6 million
India: 318.6 thousand
USA: 280 thousand
Brazil: 264 thousand
Germany: 154.7 thousand
Japan: 115 thousand
Poland: 112 thousand
Vietnam: 105 thousand
Italy: 76.4 thousand
Australia: 60 thousand
(Ricardo Casarin/Portal Solar)