There are several types of biofuels that are currently widely used and have great growth potential. Learn about the main types of biofuels.
Let us remember that biofuel, also known as agrofuel, is a fuel of biological, non-fossil origin.
The different types of biofuels are usually of plant origin and are produced from one or more plants. Any material of organic origin has the potential to generate energy. Many types of biofuels are manufactured on a commercial scale from agricultural products.
In accordance with Directive 2003/30/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, and therefore Decree Law No. 62 of 2006As of March 21, ten biofuels will be considered.
Main types of biofuels
A renewable and biodegradable fuel obtained from vegetable oils (such as soybeans, peanuts, etc.) or from animals, i.e. obtained from the chemical reaction of fats, oils or lipids of animal or vegetable origin.
The oil taken from the plant elements must be mixed with methanol and then this mixture is catalyzed.
Soybeans are a food that is recognized worldwide, and their use in food and in the production of biodiesel has increased dramatically. Now, for example, there is no longer much demand for peanuts.
Biodiesel replaces diesel oil used in cars, trucks, tractors and other vehicles.
Biodiesel is non-toxic, more lubricating, safer and contributes to reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
A common name for a mixture of gases produced by the biological decomposition of organic matter, in the absence of oxygen. This mixture consists of methane, carbon, small amounts of hydrogen sulfide, and moisture.
This mixture of gases is purified until it has the quality of natural gas.
This renewable energy source is obtained from landfills, swamps, animal intestines, and more.
This is ethanol produced from biomass, such as corn, cellulose, or sugarcane.
Methanol produced from biomass. It is a biofuel with various uses such as solvents, preparation of cholesterol, hormones, vitamins, extraction of animal and plant production, etc.
Bio-dimethyl ether
Dimethyl ether is produced from biomass.
Bio-ETBE (Ethyl tert-butyl ether)
ETBE is produced from bioethanol. The percentage of bioethanol by volume that is considered biofuel is 47%.
Bio-MTBE (Bio-Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether)
Bio-MTBE is produced from bio-methanol. The volume percentage of bio-MTBE that is considered as biofuel is 36%.
Synthetic biofuel
Synthetic hydrocarbons or mixtures of synthetic hydrocarbons are produced from biomass.
Hydrogen obtained from biomass.
Pure vegetable oil produced from oilseed plants.
An oil produced by pressing, extraction, or similar processes from oilseed plants.
Bioethanol and diesel top the list of the most widely used biofuels in transportation worldwide. In Europe, this trend is being followed, with biodiesel consumption reaching 78.2% and bioethanol consumption 20.9%, according to data collected in 2011.